2,874 research outputs found

    A framework for dependability evaluation of PROFIBUS networks

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    Fieldbus networks have been assuming a high acceptance in the industrial environment, replacing the old centralized control architectures. Due to time critical nature of the tasks involved in these environments, the fulfillment of dependability attributes is usually required. Therefore the dependability is an important parameter on system design, which should be evaluated. Several factors can affect system dependability. The environmental ones are the most common and due to the particularity of the industrial environment this susceptibility is increased. In this paper it is proposed a framework based on fault injection techniques, supported by a hardware platform which emulates a fault set, representative of industrial environment scenarios, intending to disturb data communications on a PROFIBUS network. From these fault injection experiments, relevant data is gathered and a further analysis is carried out to evaluate dependability attributes

    For how long can a worker be trapped on the minimum wage? An analysis of Portuguese labour market.

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    To analyse the factors that influence how long a worker would be trapped on minimum wage in Portugal, a survival and a hazard rate analysis were applied. The results indicate that the worker experience a short duration and that a negative duration dependence exists. Minimum wage continues to affect more women, with a lower school level. The estimates indicate that those who belong to the manufacturing sector and to a district with a higher Kaitz index, experience a smaller hazard rate. The destinations of exit demonstrated that hazard rate is larger to those who change of firm

    Congenital Clubfoot

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    Embora o pé torto congênito seja uma das deformidades congênitas mais comuns dos membros inferiores, ainda há controvérsias com relação à etiologia e ao tratamento. Apesar da frequência relativamente alta, o tratamento é desafiador, pois objetiva a obter um pé funcional, flexível, plantígrado e indolor, com resultados permanentes. O método de Ponseti destaca-se por propiciar resultados mais satisfatórios e diminuir a necessidade de cirurgias. Entretanto, o tratamento cirúrgico deve ser indicado após falha do tratamento conservador adequadamente realizado. A tendência atual consiste em evitar as extensas liberações cirúrgicas e, quando houver necessidade de cirurgia, preconizam-se correções localizadas, também conhecidas por liberações "à la carte". A perspectiva futura fundamenta-se em conhecer resultados de tratamento a longo prazo e novos conhecimentos sobre a etiologia do pé torto congênito, especialmente do ponto de vista genético, que poderão, eventualmente, auxiliar na determinação do prognóstico e até no tratamento. Nível de Evidência: Nível II, revisão sistemática.The clubfoot is one of the most common congenital deformities affecting the lower limbs, it still presents controversial aspects regarding etiology and treatment. In spite of its relatively high frequency, the treatment is still challenging, since the long-term aim is achieving an everlasting flexible, plantigrade, pain-free and totally functional foot. The Ponseti method has gained attention and popularity because of its satisfactory results and surgery avoidance. Presently, surgical treatment is indicated only after failure of conservative methods, avoiding extensive soft-tissue release, but performing localized corrections of the deformities, a technique also know as "a la carte" release. The future perspective is based on the knowledge about long-term results and new understanding of the clubfoot etiology, especially in the genetic field, which may eventually be helpful for prognostic and treatment. Level of Evidence: Level II, systematic review

    Acquired pes cavus in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

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    As neuropatias sensitivomotoras hereditárias, principalmente a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth, manifestam-se frequentemente com o aparecimento de pé cavovaro, deformidade caracterizada pela acentuação fixa do arco plantar e inversão do retropé. O diagnóstico da doença de base e a cuidadosa avaliação do paciente fornecem os elementos-chave para decisão do tratamento. O cavo pode situar-se no antepé, retropé ou ser o resultado da associação das duas localizações. Deformidades combinadas, principalmente varismo e garras dos artelhos, devem ser bem avaliadas; as características clínicas como grau das alterações, acometimento da força muscular, flexibilidade e idade são fatores importantes para a decisão da conduta. O tratamento conservador do pé cavovaro por meio de fisioterapia, palmilhas e adaptação nos calçados é reservado ao paciente mais jovem ou casos levemente acometidos. Entretanto, há tendência de agravamento das deformidades devido à característica progressiva da doença neurológica de base. Assim, o tratamento cirúrgico pelas técnicas clássicas é indicado precocemente, sendo importante identificar as alterações primárias, diferenciá-las das secundárias e corrigi-las, se possível. As transferências musculares são usadas no sentido de minimizar o desequilíbrio, estruturas retraídas são seccionadas ou alongadas e osteotomias localizadas devem ser preferíveis às artrodeses, que são reservadas para pés rígidos e muito deformados de pacientes adultos.Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies, especially Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, are frequently expressed with an acquired cavusvarus foot which is characterized by a fixed increase of the plantar arch and hindfoot inversion. Diagnosis of the underlying condition achieved through careful patient assessment and local evaluations is the keystone for decision-making about the adequate treatment. The cavus may present as an isolated deformity of the forefoot, hindfoot or it may be a combination of both locations. Related deformities, mainly the varus and toe clawing require appropriate evaluation; clinical characteristics such as severity of the deformity, impairment of the muscular power, flexibility and patient's age are important characteristics in the treatment decision. Conservative treatment of the cavusvarus foot with physiotherapy, insoles and shoe modifications are reserved to young patients and mild deformities. However, there is a tendency of the deformity to become more severe over time because of the progressive feature of the underlying neurological condition. So, the surgical treatment by using classical techniques is performed in early stages. Most importantly is the identification of the primary and main components of each deformity to properly correct them, if possible. Muscular transfers are used to treat the dynamic unbalance, retracted structures should be either divided or lengthened and localized osteotomies should be preferred over arthrodeses, which are reserved for stiff and severely deformed feet in adults

    Real cockpit proposal for flight simulation with airbus A32x models: an overview description

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    This paper describes the several steps to build an elaborate flight simulator cockpit, where the hardware is designed based on Mechatronic principles and the proposed software was developed using agile methodologies to create a Cyber-Physical System (CPS). Furthermore, this research attempts to simulate the real environment from an aircraft as close as possible with a real scale developed cockpit. Based on this, the presented paper contributions include: (1) The implementation of a complex dynamic system such as a CPS, where the Mechatronic system is part of it; (2) The deployment of a scale model of an Airbus A32x aircraft (one of the most used), integrating into a mathematical model adapted to the operation of an aircraft flight simulation system, regarding the physical forces involved. This project is also used to captivate the students’ motivation to the areas of technology such as electronics and programming and permits its development as a student project and thesis. Results allow validating the proposed cockpit.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório sobre CKAN

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    Este documento visa analisar o sistema CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network) enquanto ferramenta de gestão de dados científicos no contexto do projeto RCAAP. São analisados os aspetos técnicos, as funcionalidades, interoperabilidade e casos de uso comuns neste contexto nacional.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The teaching of mathematics and the external evaluation of schools: a study involving teachers from 1st to 6th grade

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    ISBN 978-989-8471-21-5The processes and practices of Portuguese education and training are becoming increasingly integrated in agendas globally structured, and whose area of influence is placed in the common frame of European Union policies and transnational organisms such as OCDE (Pacheco, 2009). Evaluation has been acquiring, in the last decades, a critical role, extrapolating its importance beyond the field of education (Afonso, 2010). The emphasis given to schools evaluation derives from two trends that affect most European countries: the decentralization of means and the creation of national goals and of levels of school results (Eurydice, 2011). Departing from the political and economic analysis of globalization on education and making a critical approach to the policies of sharing (Takayama, 2008), it is aimed to analyze the mediation of the pressure applied by curricula policies of homogenization and standardization of results (Afonso, 2012; Santiago, Donaldson, Looney & Nusche,2012) and their influence on teachers of Mathematics. This quantitative study, involves a questionnaire survey to teachers from 1st to 6th grade and primary teachers, in which it is ascertained how the model of external evaluation, implemented in Portugal since 2006, has been contributing to the creation of concrete consequences in school results, namely on the standards of evaluation, and on the dominance of summative tests in Mathematics, taking in account the curricular changes and teaching changes.Operational Program of Competitiveness Factors – COMPETEFCT – Sciences and Technology Foundation under the project PTDC/CPE-CED/116674/201

    Avaliação do desempenho de embarcações recolhedoras de óleo, em áreas de exploração e produção de petróleo

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, Florianópolis, 2013.Sabe-se que a necessidade mundial de consumo do Petróleo vem aumentando, consecutivamente também cresce o processo de pesquisa e sua produção. Vivemos um momento especial, onde estamos presenciando a exploração de Petróleo no chamado Pré Sal, caracterizado por estar em grande profundidade. Esta tecnologia ainda não está completamente dominada e tem uma grande expectativa sobre as possíveis consequências resultantes deste processo de exploração e produção. Além das grandes profundidades, existem produções próximas à costa, inclusive com áreas ambientais sensíveis. Este trabalho buscou avaliar os principais impactos ambientais gerados pelas embarcações dedicadas ao combate de vazamento de óleo no mar, que são as ?Embarcações Recolhedoras de Óleo?. Sabendo-se que atualmente essas embarcações ficam dedicadas nas proximidades dos locais de Exploração e Produção de Petróleo, navegando 24 horas por dia. Partindo deste princípio, foi pesquisado e calculado o consumo de óleo diesel e o quantitativo de emissão de poluentes atmosféricos, gerados por este consumo, necessários para o funcionamento das máquinas, como os motores, compressores e geradores. Ainda sobre esta navegação contínua, são apontados os principais acidentes ocorridos e a quantidade de óleo vazado no mar, com intuito de demonstrar que este trânsito contínuo dos barcos gera riscos de acidentes, com potencial de poluição ambiental. Além dos impactos ambientais, este trabalho demonstra os custos desprendidos para operação destas embarcações. Também foi analisado o acidente ocorrido no Golfo do México em 2010, na Plataforma da BP Deepwater Horizon Oil spill. Os dados apresentados demonstraram que houve um vazamento de 4,9 milhões de barris de óleo no mar, e que a capacidade efetiva de recolhimento foi de 20%, então cerca de 980 mil barris foram capturados, ficando o restante 3,92 milhões de barris sem recolhimento. Basta analisar os recursos demandados para atender o incidente da BP, em Macondo, no Golfo do México, para perceber que toda essa estrutura subutilizada se torna pequena em um evento como esse.Para que as embarcações permaneçam navegando em alto mar, um grande consumo de combustível é necessário para o funcionamento de seus motores propulsores. Foi apurado que anualmente são consumidos cerca de 81.600 m3 de combustível, resultando em uma emissão aproximada de 219 milhões de quilos de CO² na atmosfera. Além disso,verificou-se que são gerados 228.480 litros de águas residuais, que são destinadas em alto mar, muitas vezes sem o tratamento adequado.Como reflexão final, levantou-se a questão sobre o que é mais impactante ao meio ambiente: a estrutura de resposta dedicada a vazamentos de óleo, exigida e aprovada pelo IBAMA; ou os danos causados pelos eventuais derrames de óleo oriundos das operações de exploração e produção de petróleo. Abstract : It is known that the world oil consumption need is increasing, and thus the research process and its production also increases. We live in a very special moment, in which we are witnessing the Oil Drilling in the so called pre-salt layer, characterized by the fact that it is located in a high depth. This technology is not completely dominated and exercises a large expectation on the possible consequences arising of mentioned exploration and production process. Besides the high depths, there also exist production sites next to the coast, including areas which are environmentally sensible.Present work tried to evaluate the main environmental impacts caused by the vessels dedicated to the oil spilling response in the sea, which are the ?Oil Recovery Vessels?. It is known that these vessels stay at disposal in the proximity of the Oil Exploration and Production Sites, navigating 24 hours per day. Starting from mentioned principle, the diesel oil consumption, as well as the atmospheric pollutant emission quantitative generated by such consumption, which is necessary for the functioning machine such as motors, compressors and generators, were duly researched and calculated. Still referring to mentioned continuous navigation, we also indicate the main accidents occurred and the quantity of oil released in the sea, with the purpose to demonstrate that such continuous vessel transit generates accident risks, presenting a potential for environmental pollution. Besides the environmental impacts, present work also demonstrates the costs arising of such vessel operation. The accident that took place in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, in the BP Platform Deepwater Horizon Oil spill, has also been analyzed. The presented data demonstrate that there occurred a spill of 4.9 million oil barrels in the sea, and that the effective cleanup and recovery was of 20%, having approx. 980 barrels been captured, whereas the remaining 3.92 million barrels have not been recovered. It is only necessary to analyze the resources required to attend the BP incident in Macondo, in the Gulf of Mexico, to perceive that all such underused structure gets small in such an event.For sailing vessels remain at sea, a large consumption of fuel is needed for the operation of their engines propellers. It was found that annually are consumed approximately 81,600 m3 of fuel, resulting in the issuance of approximately 219 million pounds of CO ² in the atmosphere. Furthermore, it was found that 228 million liters are generated wastewater, which are aimed at sea, often without treatment.As a final reflection has been raised the question on what is more impacting to the environment: an answering structure dedicated to oil spills required and approved by IBAMA; or the damages caused by eventual oil spills arising of the oil exploration and production operations

    Observações sobre a atração miraxonal exercida por Biomphalaria glabrata infantil e adulta, infectada ou não por Schistosoma mansoni

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    OBJECTIVE: The influence of age and the presence of secondary sporocysts in the miraxonal attraction exercised by Biomphalaria glabrata on miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni of the BH strain were studied. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A glass apparatus containing two compartments joined by a tube and previously tested in other experiments, was used. Specimens of B. glabrata or its snail conditioned water (SCW) selected before the first oviposition (sexually immature), after the first oviposition (adult), with or without secondary sporocysts, were used to attract the miracidia. RESULTS: It was noted that snails or their SCW containing secondary sporocysts lost the ability to attract miracidia. The sexual maturity of the snail did not influence miraxonal attraction.OBJETIVO: Estudou-se a influência da idade e da presença de esporocistos secundários na atração miraxonal exercida por Biomphalaria glabrata sobre miracídios de Schistosoma mansoni da linhagem BH. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Utilizou-se um aparato de vidro composto de duas câmaras unidas por um canal, previamente testado em outros experimentos. Como atraentes utilizaram-se exemplares de B. glabrata ou a água de condicionamento destes moluscos (SCW) com idade inferior à primeira oviposição (infantil) e com idade superior à primeira oviposição (adulta), contendo ou não esporocistos secundários. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que os moluscos (ou sua SCW) que continham esporocistos secundários perderam o poder de atrair miracídios. A condição dos moluscos serem infantis ou adultos não interferiu na atração miraxonal


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    A China esteve no centro das atenções do Ocidente durante o Oitocentos. Talvez, por isso, na literatura ocidental oitocentista, a imagem do ‘mandarim’, representação, por vezes estereotipada, do chinês que detinha prestígio político, econômico ou cultural em seu país de origem é constante. Em Portugal, por exemplo, foi publicada no Diário de Portugal, em 1880, a novela O Mandarim de Eça de Queirós. Já no Brasil, foi encenada no Rio de Janeiro, quatro anos mais tarde, a peça igualmente intitulada O Mandarim, escrita por Artur Azevedo e Moreira Sampaio. A similaridade de títulos e a proximidade de datas de publicação propiciam uma sériede questões: em que sentidos esses dois O Mandarim se aproximam ou se distanciam? Poderia ser a novela de Eça uma espécie de inspiração à peça de Azevedo e Sampaio? Como teriam esses autores trabalhado com a representação do oriental que dá títulos às obras? Este artigo busca responder a essas e outras questões surgidas durante a leitura comparativa dos textos homônimos.China has been under the spotlight from the West throughout the nineteenth century. This is probably one of the reasons why nineteenth century literature has frequently depicted the o3en-stereotyped image of the ‘Mandarin’ as the representation of the Chinese who holds political, economic or cultural prestige in his country of origin. In Portugal, for example, the novel O Mandarim, written by Eça de Queirós, was published in Diário de Portugal in 1880. In Brazil, a play authored by Artur Azevedo and Moreira Sampaio and staged four years later in Rio de Janeiro was also called O Mandarim. The closeness between both titles and the proximity of dates may raise a series of questions: how far are these two “The Mandarim” similar or different from each other? Could Eça’s novel have been a kind of inspiration to Azevedo and Sampaio’s play? How have these authors dealt with the representation of the Chinese who has lent both texts their title? Thiss article will try to answer these and other questions arising from our comparative reading